We can use our different academy options for the students and display all the hard work we put in.
2. Why is this theme worth devoting time time and effort to capture? Why would other students care about this theme?
It shows the relationship you have to your school and how much you are for your education.
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages to using a phone camera to do this project?
Phone cameras are easy to use but most phones don't have lots go mega pixels.
4. What are the advantages and disadvantages to using an SLR camera to do this project?
A SLR camera has many options and is dedicated on capturing the best picture.
5. Should we use phones or SLR cameras for this project? Why?
I think we should use SLR cameras because the was they take pictures is way better than a phone. The SLR camera gives more options on how the picture will come out.